皇冠会员开户_高级会员 | 王岳:艺术与科技的融合,灯光传承皇冠之上的荣耀
Enterprise Headquarters
照明总设计师:王岳 Jordan WONG GODEN高敦国际照明设计创始人/设计总监 《第一设计》高级会员
Enterprise Headquarters
This is the headquarters of a family enterprise in Qatar. The lighting design takes "Inheritance" as the theme. According to the characteristics of the architectural, the façade had been disassembled into three levels, and the light source is skillfully integrated with each level. Then, to customize unique light distribution and fittings according to overall lighting effect. Finally, through the control and management of the dynamic and color, the building is created into an exquisite and gorgeous crown. It not only strengthens the corporate image, but also symbolizes that family businesses are passed down from generation to generation.
项目名称:传承 (企业总部)
The lighting design adopts dynamic direct lighting to draw Islamic geometry of aluminum facade; Lighting up the shading curtain with indirect light to present the color of diamonds. At the same time, the mesh aluminum material in the middle layer presents the effect of veil in the form of silhouette; With system control and the specially cut lens, to present the glittering effect of diamonds. Finally, the full diamond crown had been created by light & shadow composed of points, lines and surfaces.
创新 & 难点 Innovation & Difficulties
1)Diamond light customized
Designer proposed feasible light source parameters, lens material and cutting requirements, and work along with manufacturers to develop the diamond light source; In order to meet the installation requirements of aluminum profile facade, the linear light appearance should be customized, and the dynamic diamond flashing effect be realized by control system.
2)Integration of light source and Alu Facade
Due to the complex structure of the modular aluminum profile facade, need to work closely with Alu profile structural designer to finalize the grooves on Alu profile for diamond light fitting installation and wiring layout, to realize the effect of "Inlaying diamonds" on Alu profile.
Considering that the project is located along the main road and in residential areas, traffic safety and light pollution of residential environment need to be strictly controlled; Multi-mode configuration required by different time periods, including energy-saving mode.
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